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The baryd was a measure of length and a so-called path measure in Mokka ( Yemen ) and is comparable to the mile .

  • 1 Baryd = 4 Farsakh = 12 miles = 19.3 kilometers (18.3 kilometers)
  • 6 baryds on 1 meridian degree

The measure was the distance that loaded camels covered in 4 hours.


  • Georg Thomas Flügel: Course list continued as a manual for coin, measure, weight and Customs. Publisher LF Huber Verlag der Jäger'schen Buch-, Papier- und Landkartenhandlung, Frankfurt am Main 1859, p. 191.
  • Christian Noback , Friedrich Eduard Noback : Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight relationships. Volume 1, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 679.
  • Helmut Kahnt, Bernd Knorr: Old measures, coins and weights. Bibliographisches Institut, 1986, p. 33, ISBN 978-3-41102-148-2 .

Individual evidence

  1. Fr. Silber: The universal calculator for business transactions: Contains the conversion of coins, weights, etc. Dimensions of all countries in the world. Verlag Ruhl, 1870, p. 27.