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Publishing year: 2007
Designer: Ian Larsen & James M. Reneau
Current  version   (October 27, 2014)
Operating system : Linux, Mac, Windows, Android
License : GNU General Public License, version 3

Basic-256 is a dialect of the BASIC computer programming language , which is aimed primarily at students. The open source software is available for the Linux , Windows , MacOS and Android operating systems ; the current development version is from 2017 (as of 2019).


The development of Basic-256 was inspired by the article “Why Johnny can't code”. In the article, the US astronomer David Brin formulated the goal that the program logic should be understood line by line with the help of simple math even by younger students.


Typical source code of Basic-256 for the representation of a 3D model and the resulting graphic representation
  • No header files that are incomprehensible to beginners are required.
  • No libraries or other external documents have to be integrated.
  • Standard basic programming commands can be easily traced line by line.
  • The editor, a text and a graphic output are all integrated in a common window.
  • As an interpreter language, Basic-256 does not require compiling.
  • There is documentation in German.

Hello World

A hello world program is a simple, but nevertheless complete program that is supposed to show the possibilities of a programming language. In Basic-256 it consists of just one simple line:

Print "Hallo Welt"

The same program in the C programming language looks much more complex:

main () {
printf("Hallo Welt");

It is precisely this complexity that Basic-256 wants to keep away from younger beginners in particular.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. BASIC-256. Accessed January 1, 2019 .
  2. Why Johnny can't code. September 14, 2006, accessed January 1, 2019 .
  3. Basic-256 Documentation. In: Retrieved January 1, 2019 .