Basic timestamp ordering

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Basic Timestamp Ordering (BTO) is an algorithm for synchronizing distributed systems .

The algorithm ensures that transactions that are generated in different components running in parallel do not "overtake" one another. It is not necessary to know the actual time for this; a logical clock (e.g. a Lamport clock ) is sufficient to generate unique time stamps that are assigned to the distributed transactions . The individual transaction processing components, called data managers , then check for each incoming transaction whether its time stamp is greater than that of all transactions processed up to that point. If this is not the case, i.e. a transaction has already been processed that was generated after the one now received, the transaction is rejected.

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  1. Erhard Rahm: Chapter 8.2 "Timestamp method" from book "Multi-computer database systems. Basics of distributed and parallel database processing" (1994) . Retrieved June 2, 2018.