Basque Statistics Office

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EUSTAT - The Basque Statistical Office

The Basque Statistical Office Eustat (Instituto Vasco de Estadística) was founded in 1986. The independent authority of the Basque Government is subordinate to the Basque Ministry of Economy. Its task is to collect, analyze and publish official statistical information on aspects of Basque society and economy that it is assigned . The Office carries out research and development, training and methodological support, and works with universities , government institutions and Eurostat .

Its work is subject to the Spanish law on the protection of personal data. This ensures that Eustat does not provide any information with which its respondents , who are protected by statistical confidentiality , can be identified or individual data collected. It acts as the coordinator of two advisory bodies , one of the Basque Statistics Commission (Comisión Vasca de Estadística), in which the ministries of the Basque Government, the regional governments (Diputaciones Forales) and the municipalities are involved as data generating bodies, and the other of the Basque Statistics Council ( Consejo Vasco de Estadística), which also includes all social actors and representatives of society.

Its statistical procedures are laid down in the plans adopted every four years by the Basque Parliament and implemented through the annual statistical programs. In the Basque Statistical Plan (Plan Vasco de Estadística) for the period 2005-2008, 180 procedures were addressed.


  • Information service
  • Tailored information requirements
  • Statistical information on the net
  • Database
  • Sales of publications
  • Method support service

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Decree 251/1986 published in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country BOPV No. 236 of November 29, 1986
  2. Basque Statistical Plan 2005 - 2008