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The Bauanzeigeverfahren is a building code legal procedures in each state building codes , in which the client a non- approval needy projects under submission of building plans and statements show only the building authority in writing of the design author and other experts must (§ 62 BbgBauO, § 62a SächsBauO, § 74 SchlHBauO, § 62b ThürBauO). The building supervisory authority can check the project and, if necessary, prohibit the start of construction. If the building supervisory authority does not do this, the building owner can start building after a waiting period has expired. Due to the passage of time, there is no formal barrier to building by law.

The construction notice is mainly used for the construction of low-height residential buildings in building- plan areas.

In the case of exemption from permits, however, the declaration by the municipality that the project is not exempt from approval because it contradicts its plan or because the exemption requirements are not met, requires a building permit procedure.

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  1. ^ Mario Martini: Simplification of Building Laws and Neighbor Protection Bucerius Law School , 2001
  2. Udo Steiner , Gerrit Manssen : Public building law according to Bavarian law Regensburg 2012, no. 83
  3. Felix Ekardt, Klaus Beckmann, Kristin Schenderlein: Farewell to the building permit - self-regulation versus modern regulatory law Neue Justiz 2007, pp. 481–487