Pile of peasants

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The peasant heaps were the regionally shaped associations of peasant communities, especially during the German Peasants' War (1524-1526) . They were based on the medieval military constitution, but were also shaped by the experiences of the mercenaries who had returned to their homeland. The fraternal - cooperative- oriented groups gave themselves an internal order with an elected captain and councilors who were responsible to them. The declared aim was to regain a say for the peasants in the existing secular and spiritual bodies.

The different clusters were often named after their scenic or manorial origin, such as B. Baltringer heaps , Klettgauer heaps, Bodenseehaufen or Allgäuer heaps . Well-known people from the Peasants' War also led their own peasant heaps, such as Florian Geyer's Schwarzer Haufen . The Baltringer Haufen, the Allgäuer Haufen and the Bodenseehaufen joined forces to form the Christian Association in order to enforce their demands militarily as well . Similar movements were also recorded in France during the Jacquerie .

Individual evidence

  1. Günter Vogler : European departure in the modern age, 1500–1650 (Handbook of the History of Europe 5). UTB Verlag, 2003.
  2. Johannes Hasselbeck: The consequences of the German Peasants' War in the Bamberg Monastery . University of Bamberg Press, 2012, p. 97.
  3. Baden pages .