State Forest Act
State forest laws or state forest laws in Germany are laws of the countries that affect the forest (forest conservation, forest management). They are created within the framework of the Federal Forest Act . The state forest laws set out the requirements of the federal forest law and go into more detail.
Web links
- Baden-Württemberg (LWaldG in the version of August 31, 1995, last amended on December 13, 2005)
- Bavaria (Forest Act for Bavaria (BayWaldG))
- Berlin , Law for the Conservation and Care of Forests (Landeswaldgesetz - LWaldG) of September 16, 2004
- Brandenburg (LWaldG of April 20, 2004, last amended on May 27, 2009, GVBl.I / 09, pp. 175, 184)
- Bremen , Forest Act for the State of Bremen (Bremisches Waldgesetz - BremWaldG) Brem.GBl. 2005, p. 207 of September 16, 2004
- Hamburg (State Forest Act of March 13, 1978, last amended on December 2, 2013, HmbGVBl. 1978, p. 74)
- Hesse (Hessian Forest Act as amended on June 27, 2013)
- Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (LWaldG of February 8, 1993. GVOBl. M – V 1993, p. 90)
- Lower Saxony (NWaldLG of March 21, 2002)
- North Rhine-Westphalia (State Forestry Act (LFoG) of April 24, 1980, last amended on November 15, 2016, GV.NRW. P. 934)
- Rhineland-Palatinate (State Forest Act (LWaldG) of November 30, 2000)
- Saarland , Forest Act for Saarland (Landeswaldgesetz - LWaldG) of October 26, 1977 last amended by the law of June 26, 2013 (Official Journal I p. 268)
- Saxony (Forest Act for the Free State of Saxony - SächsWaldG of April 10, 1992, current version)
- Saxony-Anhalt (Forest Act for the State of Saxony-Anhalt (WaldG LSA) of April 13, 1994, last amended on May 18, 2010)
- Schleswig-Holstein (LWaldG of December 5, 2004, last amended on December 13, 2007, GVOBl. P. 518)
- Thuringia Forest Act of August 6, 1993, last amended on October 25, 2011 (GVBL. S. 280ff.)