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Bazhou is ambiguous. It denotes

  • the independent city of Bazhou (霸 州市) in Langfang in the Chinese province of Hebei, see Bazhou (Langfang)
  • the municipality of Bazhou (巴州区) of the city of Bazhong in the Chinese province of Sichuan, see Bazhou (Bazhong)
  • the large community of Bazhou (霸州 镇) of the city of Bazhou in the Chinese province of Hebei, see Bazhou (Bazhou, Langfang)
  • the large community of Bazhou (巴州 镇) in the Bazhou district in the Chinese province of Sichuan, see Bazhou (Bazhou, Bazhong)
  • the large community of Bazhou (巴州 镇) in Minhe Autonomous County of Qinghai Province, China, see Bazhou (Minhe)