Condition (organization)

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As a condition is referred to in the organization of a state , is dependent on its condition the success of a project organization.

Depending on the organizational context and priorities, a distinction is made between different degrees of dependency. For this purpose, especially in the project organization , the following expressions of terms have become established by placing additional words in front of them:

  • KO - or MUST conditions
    • If only one , and only one, such condition is not met, the entire project will fail.
  • TARGET conditions
    • Even if all of these conditions are not met, a minimal functionality of the project is guaranteed.
    • Since these conditions, however, attributed a high priority, the project is only satisfactory succeed if as many of these conditions are met, the desired functionality to achieve.
  • CAN conditions
    • These conditions are irrelevant for the functional success of the project, but their fulfillment can subjectively be of great importance for those involved.

This differentiation into different degrees of conditionality is a helpful method for cooperative coordination with those involved, in order to relativize their claims and to specify them more precisely as well as to be able to include required but functionally insignificant conditions without causing substantial irritation in the Implementation of the project.

The results of such joint classifications must be recorded in writing for the project documentation and should be signed off from all sides.

This will be used later when assessing the project status, e.g. B. in order to be able to mutually determine the degree of target achievement in (partial) project approvals from all sides.