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Benefiziat (also Latin Benefician ) is a former official title of the Roman Catholic Church for a cleric who received his maintenance from the proceeds of a benefice . To this day, it is a legal institute at parish level, assigned by the competent church authority , which consists of church office and usable assets .

A distinction can be made between abbey, palace, school , parish and curate deficits . As a rule, the holder of the title had a residential building that was independent of the rectory or rectory , the so-called Benefiziatenhaus.

The tasks of today's bearers of the title beneficiary no longer differ from those of a chaplain . Today the title only designates a chaplain who does not live in the pastor's household but has his own household. Payment is rarely made through the original benefit: In order to ensure a uniform salary, at the same time as the granting of a benefit, the aim is to waive the income from it in compensation for a regular salary instead of this income. At the cathedral , the cathedral deficit differs from the cathedral vicars in that it does not belong to the cathedral monastery .