User model

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As a user model in the are Software Development assumptions and information designated on the user of the software.

In order to optimally do justice to the individual user, an explicit user model must be created and saved for each. The software then uses this model to control the interaction with the user. However, these systems are still at the research stage and are not yet generally available.

One tries to achieve an initial approximation of the user's wishes by dividing the users into three groups based on their experience:

  • Beginners have no experience with the computer system in question
  • Occasional users are regular users of the computer system, but U. at changing time intervals
  • Experts have many years of experience with various computer systems


  • P. Mertens, M. Höhl: How does the computer get to know people? Inventory and experiments on user modeling in business informatics. In: A.-W. Scheer, M. Nüttgens (Ed.): Electronic Business Engineering. 4th International Conference on Business Informatics 1999. Physica-Verlag HD, Heidelberg 1999, ISBN 3-7908-1196-3 .

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