Consideration field

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The term field of consideration (also relevant ( product ) market ; English evoked set ) means in purchasing behavior research (a sub-area of marketing , in particular consumer behavior ) a limited purchase decision based on tried and tested and unchangeable decision criteria .

The consideration field is limited purchase decisions that are made according to a pre-defined pattern. This occurs almost exclusively with convenience food . There, the buyer selects certain brands from many branded articles and then decides on a product after a benefit comparison. A consideration field is the set of alternatives known to the buyer , from which he makes his purchase decision. Since this is a subjective construct, the consideration field does not have to match the entire field ( Total set ), the set of all available alternatives.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Chem L. Narayana, Rom J. Markin: Consumer Behavior and Product Performance. An alternative conceptualization. In: Journal of Marketing. Vol. 39, H. 4, Oct 1975, pp. 1-6.