Bernhard Hornfeck

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Bernhard Hornfeck (born October 15, 1929 in Dessau ; † 2006 ) was a German mathematician.

Hornfeck studied mathematics from 1949 at the Free University of Berlin , where he received his doctorate under Hans-Heinrich Ostmann in 1954 ( on the structure of certain prime number theorems ) and was then an assistant. He completed his habilitation in 1958 at the TH Braunschweig, where he became an adjunct professor in 1964 and a full professor at the TU Clausthal in 1969.

He dealt with number theory and wrote a popular algebra textbook.

Fonts (selection)

  • with Lutz Lucht: Introduction to Higher Mathematics, De Gruyter 1970
  • Algebra, De Gruyter 1969, 3rd edition 1976
  • On the density of the set of perfect numbers, Archiv der Mathematik, Volume 6, 1955, pp. 442–443
  • Generalized prime number theorems, monthly books for mathematics, Volume 60, 1956, pp. 93-95
  • Theoretical theorems of the theory of prime numbers, monthly books for mathematics, Volume 60, 1956, pp. 96-109
  • with Eduard Wirsing : About the frequency of perfect numbers, Mathematische Annalen, Volume 133, 1957, pp. 431-438
  • About natural numbers whose prime divisors occur in at least the k th power, Mathematische Annalen, Volume 138, 1959, pp. 442-449
  • For the distribution of certain prime number power products, Mathematische Annalen, Volume 139, 1959, pp. 14-30


  • Entry in Walter Habel (ed.), Who is who? , 2003

Individual evidence

  1. Birth dates according to Habel (ed.), Who is who?, 2003
  2. Bernhard Hornfeck in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used