Bad Pyrmont Vocational Promotion Agency

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The Bad Pyrmont Vocational Promotion Agency (BFW Bad Pyrmont) is a vocational support facility in Bad Pyrmont that provides vocational rehabilitation . The professional development agency has been supported by the non-profit INN-tegrativ gGmbH since 2017, which also includes the BFW Weser-Ems and the BFW Goslar as well as other regional vocational rehabilitation and integration centers.


The Bad Pyrmont Vocational Promotion Agency was founded in 1945 as a state vocational school for disabled people .

Until 2017, the Lower Saxony Foundation for Vocational Rehabilitation directly ran the BFW Bad Pyrmont and the BFW Weser-Ems in Bookholzberg ( Ganderkesee municipality ). In 2017, the operation was merged with that of the BFW Goslar, which is supported by the foundation of the same name, in the newly founded joint venture INN-tegrativ gGmbH based in Hanover.


The Bad Pyrmont Berufsförderungswerk (BFW) accompanies people from their professional reorientation to training and qualification right through to starting a new job in the first job market. During their training, the participants are looked after by doctors, social pedagogues and psychologists if necessary.

Career finding

The BFW offers several orientation measures in order to develop a new professional perspective.

People who do not have a concrete idea can find out more about various professions and the requirements associated with them in a job search (BF). The participants carry out practical work and observation, receive occupational pedagogical and psychological assistance and are examined in terms of occupational medicine. The course leads to a specific career proposal, which is also based on future employment opportunities. The career-finding special designed especially for them is aimed at people with a previous mental illness or a mental disability.

Work trials (AE), on the other hand, are suitable for people who have a specific career aspiration or want to work in a specific occupational field. During the course, the intellectual and technical aptitude will be tested and confronted with the professional requirements.

Separate work trials are carried out for training as a non-medical practitioner and work pedagogue / rehab in the BFW Bad Pyrmont, which must be successfully completed before the training begins.

Training preparation

For many participants, school and apprenticeship was a long time ago. That is why they often complete a preparatory, usually three-month course before starting their training at the BFW Bad Pyrmont. In this so-called rehabilitation preparation course (RVL), school knowledge is to be refreshed, updated and supplemented. The focus is on German and mathematics. In addition, the preparatory course is about finding your way back into the learning process and finding missing key qualifications, such as B. to acquire communication, organizational or team skills.

People with previous mental illnesses or psychosomatic illnesses can also take part in the rehabilitation preparation training (RVT) at the BFW. The preventive stress management training also serves to prepare for the later training. The participants deal specifically with stressful situations. Methods for dealing with them are developed, tested and reflected on in realistic situations.


The training period at the BFW has been shortened to two years. Each training ends with the final examination at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce or the Chamber of Crafts. In addition to the recognized training occupations, shorter (a few weeks up to 18 months) qualifications can be completed in which the participants e.g. B. acquire an IHK or a BFW certificate.

The BFW Bad Pyrmont trains according to the principle of action orientation. Participants have no vocational school classes; There is no strict separation of theory and practice. Instead, the participants learn in learning workshops and offices, practice firms or practices. Practical and theoretical training content is interlinked there. In addition, the participants gain experience in companies on the primary labor market. Every training and qualification lasting several months includes an internship.

Return to the job market

At an early stage in the training, the participants are prepared for their future job search. You will complete application training and make contacts during the internship. Participants are also supported in creating a complete electronic application that they can use to search for jobs online. Graduates who do not get a job after completing their training can continue to attend application seminars.

Accompanying help

In the event of personal problems during the training, participants can seek help from social workers, psychologists and doctors. The employees of each profession form a specialist service. Social support is usually the first point of contact. The social workers often have a mediating role. They are also the interface between the BFW and the organizations that finance the training.

The psychologists take care of professional and personal problems of the participants in one-on-one discussions. In group offers, they tackle topics such as exam preparation, relaxation and stress management. The medical support treats rehab ailments, advises on health problems and matters for the severely disabled and supports a healthy lifestyle.


  • Heinz-Helmut Pohl: Chronicle of the Bad Pyrmont Vocational Promotion Agency, formerly the state vocational school for disabled people. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary: ​​1945–1995 . Published by the Bad Pyrmont Vocational Promotion Agency , Bad Pyrmont 1995, DNB 947906479 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hans-Ulrich Kilian: The BFW is now "integrative" . In: , June 6, 2017, accessed on October 13, 2018.
  2. See, among other things: Change notification from the Lower Saxony Foundation for Vocational Rehabilitation of June 20, 2017, AG Hannover, HRA 204098, announced on June 21, 2017: “In accordance with the spin-off and takeover agreement of April 26, 2017 and the approval resolutions of their board of trustees meeting on April 26th, 2017 and the shareholders' meeting of INN-tegrativ gGmbH based in Hanover on April 26th, 2017 part of their assets (Berufsförderungswerke Bad Pyrmont and Weser-Ems including offices) as a whole by way of conversion by outsourcing to INN -tegrativ gGmbH based in Hanover (Hanover District Court HRB 215019) as the legal entity taking over. "