Besinger score

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The Besinger score is a clinical score for assessing the severity of myasthenia gravis . It was first presented in an article by Besinger and co-workers in 1983 and later modified. The Besinger score is used to assess clinical progress. It is made up of eight easy-to-collect criteria.

Normal (0) Light (1) Medium (2) Hard (3)
Hold up arms attempt (90 degrees, standing or sitting) > 180 s 61-180 s 11-60 s 0-10 s
Leg hold attempt (45 degrees, supine position) > 45 s 31-45 s 6–30 s 0-5 s
Head hold attempt (45 degrees, lying) > 90 s 31-90 s 6–30 s 0-5 s
Vital capacity (women) > 3.0 L 2.1-3.0 L. 1.2-2.0 L. <1.2 L
Vital capacity (men) > 4.0 L 2.6-4.0 L. 1.5-2.5 L. <1.5 L
Chewing , swallowing normal Easily disturbed with solid meals Disturbed only with liquids, partial regurgitation Not possible (gastric tube)
Mimic muscles (eyelid closure) Normally strong eyelid closure Slight weakness when the eyelid closes completely Incomplete lid closure No facial expression
Double vision (look to the side) > 60 s 11-60 s 1-10 s spontaneous
Ptosis (looking up) > 60 s 11-60 s 1-10 s spontaneous

The result is calculated from the sum of the points divided by the number of criteria tested.


attempt Duration score
Hold up arm 20 s 2 points
Hold your leg up 6 s 2 points
Lift head 7 s 2 points
Double vision spontaneous 3 points
Ptosis when looking up 50 s 1 point
Sum :   10 points

Reduced myasthenia score: 10: 5 = 2.0 points

A change of 0.5 points is assessed as significant over time.

Individual evidence

  1. UA Besinger, KV Toyka u. a .: Myasthenia gravis: long-term correlation of binding and bungarotoxin blocking antibodies against acetylcholine receptors with changes in disease severity. In: Neurology. Volume 33, Number 10, October 1983, pp. 1316-1321, PMID 6684226 .
  2. A. Jaretzki, RJ Barohn et al. a .: Myasthenia gravis: recommendations for clinical research standards. Task Force of the Medical Scientific Advisory Board of the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America. In: Neurology. Vol. 55, Number 1, July 2000, pp. 16-23, PMID 10891897 (review).