Special lesson preparation

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The special lesson preparation (BUV or UV) is a form of examination in the preparatory service of candidate teachers for elementary and middle schools (Hauptschulen) in Bavaria.


A BUV consists of three individual lessons that are presented to the seminar leader , one single and one double lesson . The single lesson usually relates to the subject that has not been studied in depth, in the double lesson the LAA then shows a didactic subject and a non-studied subject. A BUV is not graded, but assessed verbally in an expert opinion, which the LAA must countersign. This report includes the educational and teaching competence , as well as the practical and professional competence. The quality of the candidate's writing is also assessed here.

In the first phase of training, the LAA takes three UVs, in the second phase only one, in addition to the graded teaching samples, which follow the same scheme. In total, an LAA shows 12 hours of UV plus three hours of teaching practice.


For each individual UV, a detailed didactic analysis and factual analysis must be written in addition to a detailed process diagram. The respective seminar leaders regulate the details.