Best trending videos

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Best Trend Videos is a video portal founded in 2016 . With 113 million views per month, the format is one of the most successful media platforms in German-speaking countries. The analysis platform Storyclash places the format in 5th place in the social media ranking in Germany.

History and background

In its early days, Best Trend Videos almost exclusively presented entertaining, quickly consumable content that was designed to be distributed as directly as possible in social networks. Typical for this were memes and vines . The platform has expanded so far that it gives newcomers and other humorously talented community members the chance to spread their content virally through Best Trend Videos. Via the website, creators have the opportunity to upload their produced content. After a detailed check, these are selected to see whether the content can be published. Among other things, factors such as copyrights and the subject of the video play a role as a decision-making guideline. Currently, up to 100 videos are received daily, which are selected and selected.

The OMR magazine got to the bottom of the reach success and reported in an interview “This is not just my job, but above all my hobby. I do it almost 24 hours a day and sometimes I don't even notice "(Selim Mohammed)

The idea for this publication principle can be traced back to the founder's circle of friends, who asked Selim to use the platform to publish their own content. The Best Trend Videos format thus offers a platform for quickly spreading content virally and thus giving newcomers the opportunity to be discovered early.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Torben Lux: 113 million views: Best Trend Videos depends on all viral publishers. In: January 22, 2018, accessed July 18, 2019 .