Assessment criteria in the assessment of fitness to drive

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The assessment criteria - formation of judgments in the driving suitability assessment , published in the third edition (September 2013) by Wolfgang Schubert (DGVP), Volker Dittmann (DGVM) and Jürgen Brenner-Hartmann (head of the standing working group assessment criteria StAB) provide the criteria catalog for the assessment of driving suitability in As part of a medical-psychological examination .

Changes in the new edition

In addition to methodological specifications and advances in knowledge in the area of ​​alcohol and drugs, adjustments to the periods of abstinence and control programs were necessary.

The system of alcohol and drug issues was also implemented in the area of ​​traffic irregularities and criminal offenses and a large number of current scientific findings were integrated into the newly described explanatory models of irregular behavior.

Furthermore, the structure of the chapters has been redesigned and the traffic psychological observation of driving behavior, medical driving aptitude tests and the psychological examination interview have been added.

Chapter structure

  • introduction
  • - Historical summary
  • - Evaluation of the assessment criteria
  • - Conditions: developments and changes
  • 1 Framework conditions for fitness to drive diagnostics
  • 2 The diagnostic process in fitness to drive diagnostics
  • 3 Overview of the hypotheses and assessment criteria
  • 4 indicators for the criteria of hypothesis 0
  • 5 indicators for the criteria of the A hypotheses
  • 6 indicators for the criteria of the D hypotheses
  • 7 indicators for the criteria of the V-hypotheses
  • 8 Selection of means of investigation and interpretation of the findings
  • 8.1 Chemical-toxicological studies
  • 8.2 The use of psychological test procedures in assessing fitness to drive
  • 8.3 The medical fitness test
  • 8.4 The psychological examination interview


The upcoming changes were discussed at a symposium of the German Society for Traffic Psychology. V. and the German Society for Traffic Medicine e. V. It was reported on the revision of medical aspects in the alcohol and drug criteria, in particular the new regulation for substitution treatment, the new version of the criteria for traffic and criminal offenses and the CTU criteria - toxicology as well as the psychological observation of driving behavior. An overview of the planned changes was presented at this symposium.


  • Wolfgang Schubert, Reiner Mattern, Jürgen Brenner-Hartmann Assessment criteria: Formation of judgment in the medical-psychological diagnosis of fitness to drive . 3. Edition. Bonn 2013, ISBN 978-3-7812-1894-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. Changes to the assessment criteria, 3rd edition
  2. Overview of the planned changes to the assessment criteria in the third edition. DGVP, October 10, 2012, accessed on July 6, 2020 .