Biblioteca Comunale Giosuè Carducci

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Palazzo Mauri

The Biblioteca comunale Giosuè Carducci has been the municipal library of Spoleto in Umbria since 1861 . It is located in Palazzo Mauri in Via Filippo Brignone 14. The house, named after Giosuè Carducci , has around 110,000 printed works, of which around 19,000 belong to the Fondo Antico , which was made between the 16th and 19th centuries be expected. The palace itself dates from the early 17th century. Between 1997 and 2009 the library was closed after being badly damaged by the 1997 earthquake. The publicly accessible part of the library extends over three floors and a total area of ​​2,200 m².


Reading room

As early as the Napoleonic period, the holdings of the religious communities that were dissolved in 1810, especially the monasteries, were to be brought together in a public library. The historian Achille Sansi arranged the holdings around 1860. This gave an initial overview of the confiscated holdings of the Capuchins, Augustinians and Dominicans, Servites and Jesuits, as well as other congregations. A number of noble families also sold their holdings to the commune.

In 1861 the mayor Giuseppe Sorchi pushed through that a library was set up in the Monastero della SS. Trinità. The head was Giuseppe Gigli, who was succeeded by Rinaldo Gherghi in office. In 1881 the inventory had grown to 15,000 works. However, given the inadequate infrastructure, the Ministero dell'educazione nazionale urged a move to an adequate building. In 1932 the move to the premises of Palazzo Mauri , which the city had acquired in 1918, began. The ministry added 1,000 lire to the costs and had 11 incunabula restored. The palace also became the seat of the Accademia spoletina and the Sezione di Archivio di Stato di Spoleto .

Luigi Fausti , secretary of the Accademia spoletina, became the library director in 1930. When it opened, only 27,454 printed works were included, plus ten incunabula and 180 manuscripts.

After Fausti's death in 1943, his assistant Placido Nicolai was nominated, who was Socio der Associazione italiana biblioteche from 1948 to 1968 . The palace was restored in 1964 in connection with their national congress.

The house has two Bibles from the 13th century, as well as incunabula and early prints. The five fondi speciali include Ferretti (law), which includes prints from the 16th to 20th centuries, then Francolini (agriculture, nutrition), then Micheli (medicine, from the 17th century), Panetti (art history) and Lucarini (photography).

In 2006 a second library moved into the palace, the Biblioteca Carandente. It is located on the ground floor of the Museo Carandente, which focuses on contemporary and modern art. The house has 30,000 printing units.


  • Luigi Fausti: La biblioteca comunale Giosuè Carducci di Spoleto , in: Accademie e Biblioteche d'Italia, nel sessennio 1926-27 - 1931-32 , Ministero dell'educazione nazionale. Istituto poligrafico dello Stato, Rome 1933.

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  1. Lamberto Gentili, Luciano Giacché, Bernardino Ragni, Bruno Toscano: L'Umbria, Manuali per il Territorio , Spoleto 1978, p. 415.
  2. ^ Liana di Marco, Aurora Gasperini, Giovanni Antonelli: Esercito e città nell'urbanistica spoletina. L'esercito a Spoleto dopo l'Unità , Spoleto 1988, p. 87.
  3. Luigi Fausti: La biblioteca comunale Giosuè Carducci di Spoleto , Accademie e Biblioteche d'Italia, nel sessennio 1926-27-1931-32, published by the Ministero dell'educazione nazionale. Istituto poligrafico dello Stato, Rome 1933, p. 557.