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Bilalama was at the beginning of the 20th century BC. BC Governor of the old Babylonian city-state Ešnunna . He ruled for at least 20 years and was a contemporary of Iddin-Dagāns and Šu-Ilišus of Isin . Most of the historical memories of him revolve around the marriage of his daughter Mekubi to Tanhurater , the son of the Elamer king Idaddu I. Annual names from his reign testify to several battles against the Amorites as well as restoration work on public buildings in Ešnunna. His military undertakings against the Amorites are confirmed by letters from Amorite tribal chiefs.


  • Hinz, in Cambridge Ancient History I / 2, p. 660 f.
  • DR Frayne, Old Babylonian Period (2003-1595 BC) , Toronto, 1990, pp. 491-499.
  • W. Yuhong, A Political History of Eshnunna, Mari and Assyria during the Early Babylonian Period , Changchun, 1994, pp. 14-21.
predecessor Office successor
Kirikiri King of Ešnunna
early 20th century BC Chr.