Come blue

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Blue coming is a technical term from the early days of diving .

When diving with a helmet , decompression may occur in the suit. There are several reasons for this: If the descent is too fast and the pressure does not equalize ; if the air supply hose is broken or ruptured; or if the exhaust valve, which is usually spring-controlled, no longer closes. In these cases the diver's body is compressed by the considerable surrounding water pressure , in the worst case it is downright “squeezed” into the helmet and his blood is pressed into the head. This causes the diver's face to turn blue.

It also occurs when there is insufficient pressure equalization when diving in a dry suit , so that folds in the wetsuit lead to bruises and bruises. This is also known as a suit squeeze .

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Wiktionary: Blue Coming  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Blaukommen - Tauchmedizin, January 2, 2013,