Botswana Movement for Democracy

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Botswana Movement for Democracy (BMD; German for example: "Movement for Democracy in Botswana") is a party founded in Botswana in 2010 . It emerged as a split from the long-standing ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) and was part of the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) electoral alliance from 2014 to 2018 .


The BMD was founded in 2010 by renegade MPs of the BDP to protest against the policies of President and party leader Ian Khama , in particular because of the removal of General Secretary Gomolemo Motswaledi by Khama. On May 2, 2011, the founding congress took place, at which the party leadership was elected, including Motswaledi as president. The aim was to replace the “undemocratic” government. The BMD was one of the three parties that founded the UDC electoral alliance in 2012, which won 17 of the 57 seats to be awarded in the 2014 election . For the 2019 election , the BMD was supposed to put candidates in 14 of the 57 constituencies for the UDC, which now includes four opposition parties . However, the BMD was banned from the UDC in late 2018 because of its ongoing internal disputes. The BMD put up its own candidates for the 2019 election . It received 0.3% of the vote and lost all seats.

Structure and politics

Sidney Pilane has been elected President since 2017; from other wings, however, Ndaba Gaolathe was seen as president, who then founded the Alliance for Progressives (AP). The Secretary General is Gilbert Mangole.

The party logo is in orange, black and white and shows the abbreviation BMD with a "V" protruding from the M and the full party name underneath. The party is also called the Orange Movement .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Amy Poteete: Does Botswana deserve its reputation as a stable democracy?, October 20, 2014, accessed May 1, 2018
  2. ^ Daniel Chida: BMD not after Masimolole. of November 10, 2017 (English), accessed on May 1, 2018
  3. ^ The Botswana Movement for Democracy Secretary General Gilbert Mangole has issued his resignation as the chief whip of opposition in parliament. of February 13, 2019 (English), accessed October 18, 2019
  4. Shingirai Madondo: BMD F'town region: Pilane is not our president., August 1, 2017, accessed May 1, 2018
  5. Mmoniemang Motsamai: Botswana: Alliance for Progressive launches. of October 29, 2017 (English), accessed May 1, 2018