Breath of Fire

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Breath of Fire
developer JapanJapan Capcom
Publisher JapanJapan Capcom
First title Breath of Fire (1993)
Last title Breath of Fire 6 (2016)
Platform (s) SNES , Game Boy Advance , PlayStation , PS2 , PS3 , PSP , Android , iOs
Genre (s) Computer role playing game

Breath of Fire (Japanese ブ レ ス オ ブ フ ァ イ ア | Buresu obu Faia; Breath of Fire) is a computer game series from Capcom that was first released in 1993 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System . In 2001 the first two parts were ported for the Game Boy Advance . Parts three and four have been available for PlayStation since 1997, the third part has been ported to PlayStation Portable since 2005 and part five has also been available for PlayStation 2 since 2001 . A digital version of the third part can also be downloaded from the PlayStation Store . The individual games belong to the RPG genre .


The Breath-of-Fire series by Capcom is all about the character Ryu and his ability to transform himself into a dragon. The series takes place in a fictional world in which several centuries lie between the individual parts. All parts have in common that the story is epic and the hero (Ryu) is not a hero at first, goes on a journey and at the end of it finds a new fate, which is mostly to save the world. Exception: Part four gives you the opportunity to turn on the supposedly evil side in the final boss fight .


Ryu is a boy of the Dragon Clan in all parts published so far, who has no idea of ​​his abilities - the possibility of transforming into a dragon - only learns about them later in the game and then makes use of them. How this transformation takes place differs from part to part. In the third part, this is done by collecting and combining DNA, whereby a maximum of three components can be used at the same time. In the fourth part, the transformations become available as the story progresses and can then be easily selected in combat. In the fifth part there is only one form of transformation, which always has the same appearance, apart from the last boss fight .
Nina is a Princess of Wyndia for the first four games in the series. She is a close companion of Ryu in every part and influences him and his decisions positively. In the fifth part, it is the result of a biological experiment with the aim of creating a living air filter system.
Deis (called Bleu in the US / EU version) is a goddess and Myria's sister, who is significantly involved as a character in the first part. In the second part, she is a playable bonus character that you do not need to complete the game. In both parts she is a powerful sorceress. Unlike Ryu and Nina, she is the same person in both games. In the third part she is a master who teaches you powerful spells that otherwise only Nina can learn. You can see them in a sphere in the Angel Tower, but you can only free them later in the game. In the fourth part, Deis is also a goddess. Since she has no body, she uses the robot Ershin as a host.
Rei is only available in the third and fourth part. In the third part he saves Ryu from two wolves who want to eat them. The two later join forces, but Rei is separated from Ryu in a fight against two equine creatures. However, they meet again.
Represented in the third part as a friend of Rei in the cedar forest. He and Ryu don't understand each other at first, but they quickly become friends. They part ways after the fight against the horse-criminal duo. Ryu only meets him years later in Eden, the residence of Myria, where it turns out that he is also from the Dragon Clan and has the same skills as Ryu.
Momo is an engineer in the third part and is one of Ryu's loyal companions. Your help is used quite often. In the fourth part she reappears as a master from whom one can learn skills.
The third part throws up some surprises. By defeating a mutant, Ryu gets Pecoros, or "Peco" for short, as a parting present, a new companion who can neither speak nor exert a great influence on the story and is also an onion. It is assumed, however, that he is the voice of Yggdrasil and that he in turn, through him, takes care of removing some of the damage that Myria has caused in the desert of death.
In the third part, Garr is a guard and is tasked with killing Ryu (although Ryu doesn't know anything about it). In the beginning he tries to befriend Ryu to bring him to the angel storm. There he reveals to Ryu why he brought him here and a fight ensues, whereby Ryu easily defeats him. Later he wants to apologize to Ryu and looks for him. He forgives him and they are friends again.
A goddess and sister of Deis (Bleus). Physically, Myria only appears in the third part and is immediately the final boss of the game. She is of the opinion that the dragon clan poses too great a threat to the world and therefore wants to either lock away all dragons in Eden or kill them.


Breath of Fire

The first part of the series was released for Super Nintendo and was first released in Japan in 1993, the American version of the game was released a year later. In 2001 an implementation for the Gameboy Advance was published.

The game begins with a confrontation between the Light Dragons and the Dark Dragons. The troops of the Imperator Zog - a Dark Dragon - attack the village of the Light Dragons, and Ryu's sister is captured. Ryu starts his journey initially just to keep Zog from completely conquering the world. Seven other warriors join him during his journey. They learn that Zog is collecting the divine keys. With these seven keys the Light Dragons once imprisoned the goddess of destruction, Tyr, and with them she can be freed again. Tyr is so powerful it could destroy the whole world. A struggle for the divine keys and for the salvation of the world begins.

Breath of Fire II

Official logo

Breath of Fire II was released on the SNES in 1994. The game was released in the USA in 1995 and in Europe in 1996. An implementation for the Gameboy Advance was published in 2001 in Japan. Versions for the American and European systems followed a year later.

Breath of Fire II begins in Ryu's childhood. Ryu should look for his sister Yua. When he finds her at the big dragon, a monster attacks him, too young to fight back, his father Garner kills the monster. Then Yua and Garner go back to the village. When Ryu comes after, no one can remember him and his family has disappeared. He goes to the church that was his home until recently. There he meets Boche (also known as "Bow"), who tempts Ryu to run away. The following night they flee, in the process they meet a huge monster in a cave, which they defeat. 10 years later, Ryu and Boche are rangers and earn their living by hunting monsters. They quickly come across people who are possessed by demons and are only up to evil. Little by little, another six members join the group, and it soon becomes clear that there is a diabolical plan behind the Church of St. Eve. Evan - a huge demon who descends from Tyr (in some translations also "Miria") from the first part - gains more and more strength through the prayers of the believers. Its goal is world domination. At the end of the game it turns out that the great dragon from childhood is Ryu's mother.

At this point, the game allows several continuations of the storyline: either Ryu's mother continues to guard the entrance to the underworld, or she sacrifices herself to open up Ryu's way into the underworld so that he can finally destroy Evan there. There is a secret ending if you manage to save Ryu's father in the course of the game; with its help, the self-built city can fly and finally seal the entrance to the underworld by landing. If you decide to challenge Evan in the underworld, you will meet the Light and Dark Dragons, who have retreated underground to be regarded by humans as legends. There Ryu receives his final instructions to destroy Evan.

Breath of Fire III

Official logo of the PlayStation version

Breath of Fire III was released in Japan for both the PlayStation (1997) and the PlayStation Portable (2005). European and American versions followed with a year delay.

In Breath of Fire III you start out as a little dragon, but Ryu can't remember it after an accident. He takes the form of a human child and grows up with the two thieves Rei and Teepo. Later he is separated from them and sets off on his own. Little by little he meets the princess Nina, the warrior Garr, the scientist Momo and the mutant Peco. Later in the game, the companions meet Rei again, who rejoins Ryu. After a fight with Garr - whose real job it was to kill all dragons on behalf of the goddess Myria - Ryu is plagued by the souls of the other dragons that lie in this dragon cemetery and loses control. Years later, Garr finds Ryu and brings him back to his senses. From this point in the game, both Ryu and his companions are no longer children, but rather adolescents or adults. At the end of his adventure Ryu is faced with the difficult decision, either to fight against the goddess Myria and to give the people the freedom to decide and protect themselves, or to live with her and continue to decide the fate of the people left.

Breath of Fire IV

Official logo

Breath of Fire IV was released for PlayStation, PC and PlayStation 3 (2011). It was released in Japan and America in 2000, and a year later in Europe.

In Breath of Fire IV you begin the game in the role of Fou-Lu, the later adversary of Ryu and his companions. After a short introduction, in which you play this, the scenery changes and the actual game begins. In one scene, you see Nina and Cray flying over the desert in a "sand glider" - looking for Elina. During this search, they meet Ryu, who joins them. In the end you are faced with a decision again: join Fou-Lu and destroy humanity or fight against him with your companions. If one chooses to join him, there will be a final battle as a united dragon against the former companions.

Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter

Official logo

Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter or Breath of Fire V was released in Japan in 2002 for the PlayStation 2 . European and American versions followed a year later.

The world of Breath of Fire V is post-apocalyptic and people live strictly according to their "rank" near the surface of the earth or deep below it. Only senior government officials are allowed to live near the surface. In this part, Ryu is a rather below average "ranger" at the beginning, a kind of police officer or soldier. In the world in which Ryu lives, people are classified based on their "D-value", which gives information about a person's potential. Ryu, for example, has a D-value of 1/8192 (which can change with several rounds of the game) and therefore has no great prospects for a career, as you have to have a higher value. This has z. B. Bosch (1/64) who is Ryu's partner and, thanks to his D value, is practically certain of climbing the career ladder. After Ryu crashes on a mission together with Bosch, he ends up in a place where the powers awaken that were given to him by the spirit of an old dead dragon to save the girl Nina from a monster. To do this, Ryu joins the resistance member Lin and goes towards the surface of the earth. The object of the game is to get to the surface and uncover the government's secret.

Breath of Fire 6

On August 1, 2013, Capcom announced Breath of Fire 6 . The genre was called Online Touch RPG . It will be specially developed for smartphones , tablets and PC browsers and should originally appear in 2014. The game was released in 2016.


Also worth mentioning and similar to most of the Final Fantasy parts, there is an optional mini-game that runs throughout the game. In Breath of Fire III , for example, you help fairies first defeat a monster and then build their city. You choose suitable buildings, fairies etc. and at the end (after a certain number of fights) you will be rewarded with new functions or objects in these buildings. Examples of this are the various shops for weapons, armor and other items or even a shop where you can listen to all the music in the game again. In Breath of Fire IV there is once again a village full of fairies, only this time you help yourself to the gathering of food as part of a mini-game. In contrast, in Breath of Fire V , the ant colony (equivalent to the fairy village) plays a somewhat larger role. As long as you use the same save game, you keep all progress in the ant colony. In addition, there is a 100-story dungeon that can only be reached from there and that can be played through to increase the D value.

Individual evidence

  1. Capcom announces new part of the RPG series for PC and mobile platforms . Sebastian Jäger. August 1, 2013. Retrieved August 5, 2013.

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