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Broborg - inner and outer wall

The Broborg is an Iron Age Fornborg in a forest northwest of Riksväg 77, northeast of Knivsta in the extreme south of Uppland in Sweden .

The Broborg is Uppland's largest Fornborg and is located on a steep mountain slope in the west and north, near Husby-Långhundra . The name Broborg has been known since the 18th century and probably comes from a bridge over Storån.

The oval castle measures around 95.0 × 85.0 meters and has a curtain wall with partially two walls and two entrances. The inner ring measures 85.0 × 70.0 meters. The inner wall is about 300 meters long, 8.0 to 15.0 meters wide and 1.0 to 2.0 meters high, while the outer one is 7.0 to 10.0 meters wide and 0.5 to 1.5 meters Meters high. Both walls show traces of masonry. In the castle there is a round stone about 7.0 m in diameter and 0.4 m high.

The Broborg was partially excavated in 1982. Charcoal made it possible to date it back to the Iron Age, which matches a found glass bead. Several buildings were found. The wall was built from different materials. To the northeast of the castle is the Trinity Spring (Trefaldighetskälla; RAÄ-Nr. Husby-Långhundra 1274: 1).

There are traces of glazing, a special type of construction in which the stones in the walls were heated until they became glassy and therefore very hard. Analyzes of the glazing show that temperatures of more than 1100 degrees are required. In order to reach the high temperature, box structures were probably set alight along the inside of the wall. However, it is unclear why the type of construction was chosen.

According to a local legend, the chief's daughter Grimsa lived in the castle, which was attacked by her brother. She lit herself and the castle. According to legend, the fire could be seen as far as Altuppsala. Nearby is a burial mound that has been called Grimsahögen since at least the 16th century.

See also

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Coordinates: 59 ° 45 '20.2 "  N , 17 ° 57' 5.8"  E