Brother and sister in need

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Brother and sister in need
legal form Foundation, endowment
founding 1961
Seat Heiliggeiststrasse 16/1, 6020 Innsbruck
motto Solidarity with people in East Africa and Latin America
purpose Improved life chances for disadvantaged people
method Development cooperation abroad, educational work in Tyrol
Action space Latin America and East Africa

Brother and Sister in Need is a foundation of the Diocese of Innsbruck that emerged from the fundraising campaign founded in 1961 under the name Brother in Need . As a donation organization, Brother and Sister in Need supports projects of partner organizations in Bolivia, El Salvador, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

Areas of activity

Brother and Sister in Need is active in the following five core areas:

  • Working with people in Bolivia, El Salvador, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania
  • Promotion of development cooperation projects and programs, especially in the areas of rural development / smallholder agriculture and human rights / civil society
  • Legal work for the worldwide enforcement of human rights, especially women's rights
  • Raising awareness in Tyrol for a sustainable and solidary lifestyle
  • Information, public relations and raising funds

In addition, Brother and Sister in Need is a member of the Austrian development organization HORIZONT3000 and supports staff deployments abroad in projects.

The main goals of brother and sister in need are improved life chances for disadvantaged people, peace, justice and the integrity of creation.

Advent collection

The trademark of brother and sister in need has been donation bags for over 50 years, with which donations are collected in the parishes of the Diocese of Innsbruck on the 3rd Sunday of Advent. Brother and Sister in Need is the bearer of the Austrian seal of approval for donations. Donations to brother and sister in need are tax deductible.