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Bst BI
other names
  • Geobacillus stearothermophilus endonuclease BI
  • Bacillus stearothermophilus endonuclease BI
External IDs
Enzyme classification
EC, category
MEROPS Endonuclease Type II endonuclease
Response type Hydrolysis of DNA
Substrate DNA (a + b) + H 2 O
Products DNA a + DNA b

Bst BI is an enzyme that is used in molecular biology for the targeted cleavage of DNA . This enzyme belongs to the family of type II restriction endonucleases and comes from the bacterium Geobacillus stearothermophilus (formerly Bacillus stearothermophilus ). The enzyme cuts double-stranded DNA within the palindromic recognition sequence to form a 5 'overhang as follows:

Recognition sequence Restriction cut
5'-TT      CGAA-3'
3'-AAGC      TT-5'

This formation of a 5 'overhang ( “sticky end” ) comprising two nucleobases by Bst BI can also be used in the course of cloning to facilitate the chaining ( ligation ) of DNA fragments. Bst BI is an isoschizomer of Fsp II, Asu II, Sfu I and Nsp V and can therefore be substituted with one of them.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ S. Veitinger, GG Schmitz, K. Kaluza, M. Jarsch, V. Braun, C. Kessler: SfuI, a novel AsuII isoschizomer from Streptomyces fulvissimus recognizing 5'-TT / CGAA-3 '. In: Nucleic acids research. Volume 18, Number 11, June 1990, p. 3424, PMID 2162526 , PMC 330976 (free full text).