Confederation of the independent men's drivers' associations in German-Austria

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The Federation of Independent Men's Drivers 'Associations in German-Austria was founded in 1895 as Cartell by the men's drivers' associations in Styria , Carinthia , Tyrol and Lower Austria . The name change took place on November 6, 1898. The seat of the federal government was Graz .

Member associations in 1899 were the Steirischer Radfahrer-Gauverband , the Lower Austrian Cyclist Association "Ostmark" , the Carinthian Cyclist Gauverband , the Tyrolean Cyclist Association and the Regional Association of Cyclists of Upper Austria and Salzburg .

In the reciprocal agreement with the Federation of German Cyclists in Austria of February 13, 1899, both federations agreed on the mutual recognition of their members and the cooperation on tour books, maps and yearbooks, in sports operations and their financing with the aim of uniting.


Individual evidence

  1. Handbook of the independent men's rider associations in Germany and Austria: namely: Steirischer Radfahrer-Gauverband Niederösterreich, Cyclist Association "Ostmark", Carinthian Cyclists Association, Tyrolean Cyclists Association, Regional Association of Cyclists of Upper Austria and Salzburg , Klagenfurt, 1899, p . 130 ff.
  2. Handbook of the independent men's rider associations in Germany and Austria: namely: Steirischer Radfahrer-Gauverband Niederösterreich, Cyclist Association "Ostmark", Carinthian Cyclists Association, Tyrolean Cyclists Association, Regional Association of Cyclists of Upper Austria and Salzburg , Klagenfurt, 1899, p 158 f.