Federal Forum for Catholic Senior Citizens' Work

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The Federal Forum for Catholic Senior Citizens 'Work (BfKS) is a working group of the institutions for senior citizens' work of the German dioceses as well as the diocesan old people's works and diocesan forums.

The Federal Forum was founded in 1957 as the Katholisches Altenwerk Federal Working Group , the current name was chosen in 2001. The basis for the work is an order issued by the German Bishops' Conference on December 11, 2006 . The management lies with the Secretariat of the German Bishops' Conference, Pastoral Division in Bonn. The Federal Forum currently includes departments and specialist units in 27 (arch) dioceses and 12 diocesan forums and organizations.

It is used for networking, information and project development in pastoral care in the third and fourth phases of life and is intended to promote and coordinate cooperation in the German dioceses in order to raise the profile of the church's work with the elderly and to encourage the elderly to help themselves. This concerns the topics pastoral care, education, elderly care and politics.

The Federal Forum participates in Catholic and Church Days and the German Seniors' Day. It is a founding member of the Federal Working Group of Senior Citizens' Organizations (BAGSO) founded in 1989 .


  • Bundesforum Kath. Seniorenarbeit (Ed.): Aging in dignity. Objectives for the pastoral care of the elderly in the dioceses of Germany. Self-published, Bonn 2003.

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