Federal Conference for Educational Advice

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The Federal Conference for Educational Counseling (bke) is the cross-agency professional association for educational and family counseling in Germany. The sixteen state working groups for educational counseling (LAG) that exist in the federal states are united in the bke . In the LAGs, the specialists of the education and family counseling centers can become members on a voluntary basis.

The association is an organization for child and youth welfare. It is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).


The association was founded in Munich in 1962. The first chairman and until 1980 executive chairman was Dr. Ernst Griesbach.

From 1985 to 2014 the sociologist Klaus Menne was managing director of the bke. The managing director has been the psychologist Silke Naudiet since 2014.


The association endeavors to ensure a comparable professional standard of quality for educational and family counseling throughout Germany. To this end, it performs the following tasks:

Professional recommendations

The association is continuously working on current issues relating to advisory practice and provides advice on how to organize them in practice. In the case of topics of fundamental importance, she gives her statements the form of the statement. The bke also comments on proposed legislation and legal changes.

The current recommendations on technical and legal issues of educational counseling are compiled in two basic volumes.

Continuing education and training

The purpose is to offer advanced and advanced training for professionals in childcare and family counseling. It fulfills this mandate through a thematically diversified program with thematic individual courses and further training courses as well as specialist conferences and congresses (annual scientific conference).


The association publishes two magazines:

Information for educational counseling centers (InfEB)

The magazine appears three times a year. The latest statements and information are published in it.

Journal for Child Law and Youth Welfare (ZKJ)

This magazine, published together with the Bundesanzeiger Verlag , appears monthly. The ZKJ is interdisciplinary and promotes the dialogue between youth welfare, psychology, mediation as well as child and family law.

The association also publishes book series:

Advice materials

The series has been published since 1992 in 21 volumes. Most recently it was published: Advice on the move. Contributions to further development in the aids for education .

Yearbook for educational counseling

From 1994 to 2014 the bke published a total of ten yearbooks at BeltzJuventa on the technical and political development of childcare and family counseling.

In addition, thematic volumes appear as individual publications in specialist publishers.

Innovative projects

The association also promotes the professional development of childcare and family counseling through innovative projects. Their topics included a. Youth welfare planning for parenting and family counseling, online counseling for young people and parents, counseling in the context of family court proceedings and support through development checks.


The board is formed by the representatives of the 16 regional working groups. It also includes representatives from the fields of social work / social pedagogy, child and adolescent psychotherapy, pedagogy and administration.

The Executive Committee (GA) of the board is formed by the chairman, two deputies and the managing director. The chairman is Christoph Schmidt; The managing director is Silke Naudiet.

Standing commissions have been set up for special areas of responsibility:

  • Commission for Further Education
  • Legal Commission
  • Commission quality seal
  • Statistics Commission.

The office of the bke is located in Fürth.

State working groups

The state working groups serve the exchange of experience between the advisory specialists and participate in the political shaping of the advisory services in the respective federal state. You work with the bke. The LAGs also organize conferences. Individual LAGs have their own magazine, for example Berlin and Brandenburg: "Trialog". In other countries “LAG-Nachrichten”, “EB-aktuell” or “EB-Kurier” are published.

The bke quality seal

seal of quality

The “Tested Quality” seal is awarded by the Federal Conference for Educational Advice. The seal certifies that an educational counseling facility has met the professional standards for the work and equipment of counseling centers for children, adolescents and parents, which have been formulated by the Federal Conference for Educational Counseling, at the time of issue . The quality seal, which is awarded by an independent commission, is valid for four years.

Online advice

On behalf of the Working Group of the Supreme State Youth and Family Authorities (AGJF), the association runs online counseling for young people and parents. Individual counseling, group chats, topic chats, discussion forums and a consultation hour are held. The offers have so far been used by more than 70,000 registered users.

Advice center search

The association maintains a directory of around 1,050 educational and family counseling centers in Germany. It provides a search function on its website that can be used to find advice centers close to where you live. Advice centers that are conceptually geared towards advising people from a different cultural area or advising families with infants and small children can be shown separately.


  • Federal Conference for Educational Advice (bke) (1999): Quality product  educational advice . Recommendations on services, quality features and indicators . Edited by the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth as issue 22 of the series: “Qs - Materials for Quality Assurance in Child and Youth Welfare”. Bonn (100 pages)
  • Federal Conference for Educational Advice (bke) (2009):  Legal bases of advice. Recommendations and tips for practice . Fuerth. (511 pages)
  • Federal Conference for Educational Advice (bke) (2012): Family and Advice . Memorandum on the future of educational counseling, Fürth. (75 p.)
  • Federal Conference for Educational Advice (bke) (2015):  Technical foundations of advice. Recommendations, statements and advice for practice . Fuerth. (651 pages)
  • A 40-page image brochure (PDF) serves to inform the public

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Conference for Educational Advice (bke) (2009): Legal bases of advice. Recommendations and tips for practice . Fuerth. Federal Conference for Educational Advice (bke) (2015):  Technical foundations of advice. Recommendations, statements and advice for practice . Fuerth.
  2. National Conference (bke) Educational Consulting Professional standards for the work and equipment of counseling centers for children, youth and parents. Fürth 2014. ( PDF ; 779 kB).