Federal Association of City and City Marketing Germany

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The Federal Association of City and City Marketing Germany eV (bcsd) represents the federal association of city and city marketing organizations from around 340 German cities. The federal association, founded in Berlin in 1996, represents the interests of city marketing organizations at federal and state level, also through the bcsd state associations.

Members are city and city marketing organizations in Germany and Europe as well as service companies in the field of city ​​marketing , which support the association as sponsoring members.


The association is a registered association with its seat and office in Berlin. The board of directors is honorary. The federal association is divided into seven regional associations, whose spokesmen advocate the concerns of the regions.

The operational management of the Federal Association of City and City Marketing Germany is carried out by the management. In addition to the regular members (city and city marketing organizations, municipalities, dealer associations), companies and agencies can also participate in club life as supporting members.

tasks and goals

Urban development should take place in dialogue with the residents and in cooperation with all important representatives of the areas of living, working, shopping, recreation and urban design.

The federal association provides a variety of practical suggestions, prepares questions with experts from science and practice for city marketing in order to make them practicable for work on site. She organizes discussions about the city ​​of the future and works on the implementation of new ideas for the cities in networks and cooperation with partners such as urbanicom , the IHKs , the German trade association and others.


In spring and autumn, specialist conferences are held to allow participants to exchange experiences. There are also seminars for further training and professionalization of the city marketing scene as well as opportunities for members and other interested parties to exchange ideas, for example through regional association meetings or the social network XING . In addition, lectures on the subject of city marketing and entry-level advice for newly founded and newly structured city marketing companies are given.

The association has been a partner in the “Kulturmarken Award” since 2013, where it presents the “City Brand of the Year” category.

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