Bureau International des Expositions

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The Bureau International des Expositions (BIE, German  International Office for Exhibitions ) was founded on November 22, 1928 in Paris with the aim of establishing a joint international committee for the design and tendering of world exhibitions (also known as Exposition Universelle Internationale , Exposition Mondiale ( Expo ) or World's Fair ) as well as other international trade fairs and exhibitions; This is how the organization determines the venue, the regulations and the advertising measures for the trade fairs (the committee is comparable to the IOC ).

The BIE was in public criticism because of the controversial World Exhibition 1964/1965 in New York City due to poor visitor numbers and demonstrations of civil rights movements in front of the exhibition center.

The exhibitions overseen by BIE also include the Triennale di Milano and the International Horticultural Exhibition .

The BIE is financed through membership fees (currently 163 member countries).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.bie-paris.org/site/en/bie/our-history