
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bushcrafting (from the English words bush , dt. Busch , and craft , dt. Handicraft, skill; thus in German about bush craft or bush craftsmanship ) describes the occupation with and above all the testing, optimization and use of all skills, techniques and manual activities that can be useful for survival or a longer stay in nature (in the narrower sense especially in the forest, hence “bush”).

The main skills here are focused on

  • the extraction and preparation (or sterilization) of water and food,
  • the construction of hiding places (weather protection etc.),
  • orientation in unknown territory,
  • lighting fire and
  • the manufacture of tools (or containers, etc.).
  • The (extremely important) topic of " first aid " or the treatment of injuries is also a prominent feature for many bush workers.

Trying out new equipment or techniques is very popular among bushcrafters.

In bushcrafting, there is a lively exchange (also via the Internet, often on video platforms), whereby knowledge and insights (including, for example, about the above-mentioned equipment) are gladly shared or passed on to others.
