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Byzaanchy with a cylindrical sound box . Names of the components in Cyrillic script.

Byzaanchy ( Tuvinian бызаанчы; Russian Бизанчи), also byzanchi, byzanchie , is a four- stringed tubular violin that is played in popular music in Tuva .

The four strings of the instrument are tuned to two tones. The first and third strings have the same tone as the second and fourth, but these are a fifth higher than the other two. They are played by holding your fingers against it from below and not pressing the neck from above as usual. The horsehair bow is divided into two strands. It is threaded into the instrument in such a way that one strand runs between the first and second strings and the other between the third and fourth strings. A carved horse's head usually adorns the tip of the instrument's wooden neck. The sound box is usually made of wood. Its base is circular, square or polygonal. The top is covered with goat skin, while the bottom is open.

Thus the byzaanchy resembles the two-string Chinese erhu and the single-string endingidi in Uganda. Another Tuvinian string instrument is the two-stringed long-necked lute igil .

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