César Cristóbal Tapuy Papa

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César Cristóbal Tapuy Papa (* 1960 on the Río Napo ) is an indigenous association official from Ecuador . He belongs to the Quechua ethnic group .

Cristóbal Tapuy is a son of Pascual Tapuy, who was one of the founders of the Federación de Organizaciones Indígenas de Napo in 1976 .


Until 1974 attended a school of the Mision Josefina del Napo (1922-1974). From 1975 to 1981 he studied Bachelor Business Administration at the Colegio Nacional Mixto Tena .

From 1984 to 1985 he was President of CONFENIAE .

From November 28, 1988 to 1992 he was President of the CONAIE .

From 1990 to November 24, 1995 he was President of the Federación de Organizaciones Indígenas de Napo (FOIN).

From 1999 to 2004 he studied tourism at the Universidad de las Nacionalidades Indígenas de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana .

From August 24, 2004 to December 2005, he was chairman of the Parlamento Amazónico , the highest authority of CONFENIAE . In this position, he was replaced by Sonia Vargas from the Organización de Pueblos Indígenas del Pastaza (OPIP), which was the first time a woman was elected head of an indigenous organization in the Amazon region.


  • with Richard Chase Smith: The Economic Challenge for Indigenous Amazonians.
predecessor Office successor
Willian Aguavil Chairman of CONAIE
November 28, 1988 to 1992
Luis Macas

Individual evidence

  1. (FOIN) El Presidente de la FOIN, Camilo Bolívar Tapuy belonged. Federación de Organizaciones Campesinas e Indígenas del Napo (FOCIN), auspiciado por la Misión Josefina. [1]
  2. Cristóbal Tapuy was trained in the Josefina del Napo Mision , and he recognized that the mission provided good training. He learned Spanish and how to speak to the authorities and give him the tools to identify and solve problems. In short, the mission schools taught him and others invaluable skills. Cristóbal Tapuy, ex-President of FOIN, interview, November 24, 1995, Quito. see. Deborah J. Yashar, Contesting Citizenship in Latin America: The Rise of Indigenous Movements and the postliberal challenge, p. 122
  3. ^ Otro de los conductores es César Cristóbal Tapuy Papa. Cursa actualmente el cuarto año de turismo de la Escuela de licenciatura en Desarrollo Amazónico, de la Universidad de las Nacionalidades Indígenas de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana; fue presidente del Parlamento Indio amazónico de la Confenaie; ha sido Técnico Coordinador de Docenpe, y consultor en el proyecto Gran Sumaco GTZ-INEFAN., August 4, 2003, Indígenas, tras el respeto a sus derechos [2]
  4. Finalmente y por primera ocasión, se eligió a una mujer al frente de una organización indígena en la Amazonia cuando Sonia Vargas, de la Opip, fue nombrada presidente del Parlamento en reemplazo de Cristóbal Tapuy. (EF), El Parlamento Amazónico es la máxima instancia de la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de la Amazonia, CONFENIAE .: Kipu 44 Julio-diciembre 2004 August 24, 2001, [3]
  5. Reciprocity, Collective Action, and Common Property in a Market Economy, Oxfam .America COICA Joint Re11earch Project on Economic Change and Culture strategies! Or Indigenous Sustainable Development in Rural Latin America, Center for Latin American Studies University of Chicago 25. - 29. October 1995, [4]