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CCcam is a modeled Conditional Access System module in software (Softcam). It is programmable in DVB receivers for decoding of Pay TV used.


  • In a DVB-coded TV or radio signal, the TV signal, which has been encrypted with so-called control words, is transmitted, as well as the control words themselves. The primary task of a softcam is to transfer the decrypted control words to a register on the receiver, which in turn decodes the desired TV signal.
  • The decryption of the control words at CCcam is done either by querying a smart card from the service provider (connected externally), using a software emulator that imitates a compromised smart card (internal), or using what is known as card sharing (control words that are redistributed via the Internet / network and originally only a smart card can be distributed to many receivers).
  • The DRM is also carried out by a licensed conditional access system in order to guarantee certain functionalities of the receiver, such as admission restrictions, protection of minors or copy protection according to the specifications of the service provider or legal requirements (examples: Macrovision , HDCP , CGMS-A ). CCcam does not do DRM.


The emulation of a smart card and card sharing is prohibited in many European countries. In Germany, among other things, the Access Control Service Protection Act is relevant for this, but it only criminalizes commercial activity. The legality of the forwarding of a control word within a receiver is at least controversial due to various patents of the encryption providers. The algorithms for extracting the control words from a subscription TV smart card are not disclosed by the CA providers, so they were created through reverse engineering . These practices are also highly dubious in Europe and can, for example, be viewed and punished as computer fraud or data spying . Numerous boards that deal with digital TV reception technology have meanwhile stopped discussions and support for CCcam and other softcams. CCcam is only distributed anonymously over the Internet in an executable form and not in the source code for various processor platforms .

Individual evidence

  2. , only for registered users, July 10, 2011