CELU diploma

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The CELU diploma (Certificado de Español: Lengua y Uso) is a language test for Spanish as a foreign language , which is intended to certify the ability of a non-native speaker in Spanish. It has been offered since 2004 by the Consorcio Interuniversitario para la Evaluación del Conocimiento y Uso del Español como Lengua Extranjera , a consortium made up of 19 Argentine universities.


The CELU may only be taken by those who do not speak Spanish as their mother tongue. Candidates must be older than 16 years and have completed at least three years of secondary school (Gymnasium, Realschule, or Argentine ETUC). The certificate enables access to language studies at a university and qualifies for positions where a good knowledge of Spanish is required.


There are two levels of proficiency, intermediate and advanced. Both demonstrate to different degrees the candidate's ability to communicate in Spanish in everyday, professional or academic situations. The exercise instructions and the texts presented in the exam can be understood by all speakers of Spanish-speaking variants (dialects).


The CELU is recognized as a valid language certificate in the following countries:


Exam parts
Capabilities time activity
written part
  • Reading comprehension
  • listening comprehension
  • written production
3 hours
  • Listening comprehension of texts
  • Written production of texts oriented towards a specific purpose and for specific partners.
Oral part
  • Reading comprehension
  • listening comprehension
  • oral production
15 to 20 minutes
  • Reading comprehension of smaller texts: lecture and discussion

Dates and places

The exam takes place twice a year in June and November. There are test locations in Argentina, Brazil, Germany and France.

The inter-university consortium for testing language skills and the use of Spanish as a foreign language currently consists of the following universities:

  • Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • Universidad Nacional de Catamarca.
  • Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.
  • Universidad Nacional del Comahue.
  • Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
  • Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.
  • Universidad Nacional de La Pampa.
  • Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
  • Universidad Nacional del Litoral en Santa Fe.
  • Universidad de Lomas de Zamora.
  • Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata.
  • Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.
  • Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto.
  • Universidad Nacional de Río Negro.
  • Universidad Nacional de Salta.
  • Universidad Nacional de San Luis.
  • Universidad Nacional del Sur.
  • Universidad Nacional de General San Martín.
  • Universidad de Villa María.

Web links