Caius in a bind

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Caius in der Klemme is a 1976 book for children and young people by Henry Winterfeld . It is the last of three parts in the series Caius, the rascal from ancient Rome , which is about the adventures of the boy Caius and his friends in ancient Rome.


In addition to the main characters of all three parts (see characters from the Caius series ), the following people appear in this volume:

  • Ben Gor , celebrated charioteer, comes from Galilee, a very good friend of the emperor and Senator Vinicius, the father of Caius and Claudia
  • Icarus , previously undefeated charioteer from Spain


Xanthos and his students are surprised when one day Caius does not show up for class. Julius only has to report that he and his friends no longer got tickets for the long-awaited chariot race of the Galilean charioteer Ben Gor; Caius, however, firmly promised his astonished friends that he would still be able to get tickets. The last time Mucius had seen Caius was on a mule and a rope ladder. When the friends want to visit Caius, they are dismayed to learn from the doorkeeper of Villa Vinicius that Caius has died.

Xanthos then receives an encrypted message from Caius' sister Claudia. Her father sentenced Caius to death; Caius is to be executed immediately. But the news comes too late; the execution was already taking place.

The friends learn from Claudia that Caius said when he was arrested that Ben Gor should be sought out, who was the only one who could still save Caius. Since nobody was allowed to leave the house, Claudia sent the encrypted message to Xanthos. Suddenly Claudia's cat Mopsa, on whom the poison intended for Caius' had been tried shortly before his execution, reappears alive in Claudia's room. It dawns on the amazed friends that Caius could still be alive. When the friends open the coffin of the Vinicius Caius family in the mausoleum, the assumption is confirmed; Vinicius had wanted to fake Caius' death and hide his son in a secret place. The friends bring Caius to Xanthos in his coffin.

There Caius reports that he is suspected of having attempted an assassination attempt on the Emperor. In truth, Caius was sent to the palace by Ben Gor, a close friend of the emperor, because he still had free tickets for the race. When the gates remained locked, Caius climbed with the help of the mule and rope ladder into the garden of the palace, where he was intercepted by secret police. When the friends decide to notify Ben Gor, a crowd of Praetorians infiltrate the Xanthos School and put Caius and his classmates in jail. But Ben Gor can free her from the dungeon; after being notified by Xanthos, Ben Gor spoke to the Emperor; this promises the boys freedom if Ben Gor wins the race.

A tough race develops between Ben Gor and the previously undefeated Spaniard Icarus; nevertheless, Ben Gor can decide the race for himself. The next day of school, Caius is again absent from class, but this time only because he had to promise the mule lender free tickets for Ben Gor's next race.


  • Henry Winterfeld: Caius in der Klemme (paperback) , Omnibus-Verlag, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-570-20349-2