Candy (novel)

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Candy is a 2005 novel by British writer Kevin Brooks . Candy was first published in Germany in 2006 by dtv Extra Verlag. Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn translated the original text from English into German.


Joe meets Candy at London Underground Station on his way to a doctor's appointment. Joe is not sure which way to go. Candy speaks to him, clearly and confidently. He invites them to a donut and while talking they get comfortably close. Joe tells her about himself and his life, but is still stunned by the sight. Suddenly a figure unknown to Joe appears; Iggy (Ignatius Ithacia), Candy's pimp. A bulky, dark man who gives Joe to understand immediately what will happen to him when he sees Candy again: he will cut his throat. Joe quickly leaves the restaurant and disappears home. Events no longer leave his head. He can only think of Candy and Iggy. Who is she really He grabs his guitar and starts writing a song. A song about candy. That evening his sister Gina tells Joe about the engagement to her loving and kind-hearted friend Mike.

The next day, Joe notices a note in his pocket. A simple business card that only says "Candy" and your mobile phone number. After a week he finds the courage to call her and they arrange to meet at the zoo. In order to meet up with Candy, he skips school and lies to his sister. Joe and Candy are having a great time in the zoo, looking at animals and talking. Everything seems normal until Candy disappears into the bathroom and comes back staggering and giggling. She pulls him with her to the nocturnal animal house where she kisses him long and passionately. Before they part ways again, Joe invites them to a concert with his band in a small club called The Black Room. Joe's strict father finds out that Joe hasn't been to school and places him under house arrest.

However, Joe's father allows him to go to the concert. Gina and Mike have come to the gig, but to Joe's regret, Candy is not there. Although the four guys are only the opening act for Bluntslide, they make the audience rave. They make a brilliant appearance. When the band is playing their last song, "Candy", Joe notices that Candy has come and is dancing in front of him. Suddenly Iggy appears and pulls Candy with her. When Mike tries to help her, Iggy's friends beat him up.

The next day Joe drives to the train station where he met Candy to look for her. In fact, he sees Iggy rushing past the people and disappearing into a narrow side street. Joe follows him and eventually arrives at a bare white house. Joe goes in and finds Candy's apartment. She just unwillingly opens the door out of fear of Iggy. The room is a mess; There are clothes and cigarette butts lying around everywhere. Suddenly Iggy stands in front of the door and Candy shooes Joe into the bathroom. Iggy doesn't notice anything and is about to leave when Joe's cell phone rings. Iggy storms into the bathroom and almost cuts his throat.

Candy knocks Iggy out with a lamp. Iggy is tied up and Joe and Candy flee. Joe takes Candy to his home and introduces her to Gina and Mike while his father is on a business trip. Joe has the idea that they could temporarily hide in the country house owned by Joe's family. They take the train and after dark they finally reach the cottage. Candy, who is addicted to heroin, decides to go into rehab. Then Joe receives a call from Iggy: Iggy has kidnapped Gina and gives Joe the choice: Gina or Candy.

Joe reveals her whereabouts to Iggy and Mike also finds out about the phone call. The two men immediately set off for the cottage. Mike appears there first. Just a few minutes later, Iggy arrives too. He stays outside and talks to Joe through the window. Iggy reminds Joe of the deal and gives him another choice. Candy grabs a knife and goes outside, up to Iggy and cuts his throat.

She is admitted to a psychiatric clinic and Joe continues to live his "normal" life, if you can still call it normal.


Joe Beck The 16-year-old Joe Beck is the son of a doctor and lives in the posh district, Heystone, a suburb of London with his father and older sister Gina. With three friends he plays in a punk rock band, The Katies, the guitar or alternately the bass. When he's not busy with his band, he likes to skate in the skateboard park. He is rather shy and often hides behind his long, brown hair.

Candy Seventeen-year-old Candy, actually Candice, is a heroin addict prostitute. A few years ago she ran away from her parents' home and chose a life in the backstreets of London, full of drugs, fear and violence. She is a beautiful girl, from her dark almond eyes and blonde hair to her fair skin and long legs. She seems hardened from her stressful life, but if you look behind her painstakingly built facade, you can see that she is anything but that: an intimidated and helpless girl.


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