Cap des pins

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Television series
Original title Cap des pins
Country of production France
original language French
Year (s) 1998-2000
length 24 minutes
Episodes 281 in 1 season
genre Soap opera
Theme music Françoise Hardy - Contre vents et marées
idea Nicolas Cohen
production Simone Halberstadt Harari
First broadcast September 14, 1998 on France 2

Cap des Pins is the first French series in a daily soap format . It ran in 281 episodes from 1998 to 2000 on France 2 .


The focus is on the Chantreuil family. The head of the company is the unscrupulous cosmetics company manufacturer Gérard Chantreuil, who humiliates his wife Anna. Gérard has an affair with the younger employee Charlie (Chantal Desroches), who becomes pregnant by him and at the beginning intrigues against Anna. Anna is strengthened by her mother-in-law and supports her children Brice and Louise. From episode 100, Anna emancipates herself, falls in love with her childhood friend Serge Letan (Jean-Claude Bouillon) and takes action against Gérard's machinations.

Production and publication

The series was produced from 1998 to 2000 Télé-Images Création based on scripts by Thomas Barichella, Joël Meziane and Emmanuel Schaeffer. The producer was Simone Halberstadt Harari and the title song Contre vents et marées composed by Eric Clapton is sung by Françoise Hardy .

The leading actors Paul Barge as Gérard and Claude Jade as Anna Chantreuil have already starred together in film couples in The Avengers from the Coffin (1968) and La Mandragore (1973).

The series was first broadcast on France 2 from September 14, 1998 to March 31, 2000 . It was broadcast in Italy, for example.

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