Capablanca Random Chess

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Example of a drawn 10x8 CRC starting grid

Capablanca Random Chess (also CRC) is a variant of chess that is played on a 10x8 board. For Capablanca's extended set of figures with chancellor (also marshal or centaur) and archbishop (also cardinal, Janus or archangel), a starting position from 48,000 possibilities is drawn; those with uncovered pawns are discarded. As with the Chess960, castling remains unchanged as part of the game. The chancellor can move like rook and jumper, the archbishop can move like bishop and jumper.

Starting position criteria

  • Bishops are to be placed on different colored fields, this applies accordingly to lady and archbishop, as these also contain the gait of a bishop (similar to Chess960)
  • the king must always be between the two rooks (as in traditional chess and Chess960)
  • only positions are permitted in which all pawns are covered (as in traditional chess)
  • Positions with less than three differences to Gothic Chess are left out (to avoid conflict)
  • Positions with neighboring runners are to be avoided (added April 2006)

Draw procedure

Due to the enormous number of possibilities, program-based procedures are highly recommended. The following procedure is recommended (which theoretically could also apply to a cube):

  1. determine whether queen or archbishop is placed first (2x)
  2. place the chosen figure on a light field (5x)
  3. place the other figure on a dark field (5x)
  4. determine a light field for the first runner (4x)
  5. determine a dark field for the second runner (4x)
  6. select a free space for the chancellor (6x)
  7. choose a place for the first jumper (5x)
  8. loose a place for the second knight from (4x) / 2
  9. place the king in the middle of the three empty spaces
  10. place the two towers on the two remaining free spaces
  11. now complete the row in front of it with 10 pawns
  12. if one of the last three criteria for the starting grid is not met, repeat the draw.

In fact, there are 12118 different allowable starting positions.

Castling treatment

  1. As in traditional chess, castling is only permitted if neither the rook involved nor the king have moved, if a third piece is not skipped or captured, and the king is not threatened by chess anywhere on the way from his starting to his target square ( both fields included).
  2. C castling, 0–0–0: the king is placed two squares from the edge of the left side of white, the rook on the next inner square.
  3. I castling, 0–0: the king is placed one square away from the edge of the right side of white, the rook on the next inner square.
  4. Similar to the Chess960 , marker points are used in graphic representations to document remaining castling powers (see figure).

Extended FEN coding

The X-FEN is used to represent positions in Capablanca Random Chess .

Computer chess realizations

One of the reasons for the CRC is to give chess programmers a varied and promising test field without huge opening libraries.

In the meantime Capablanca Random Chess can e.g. B. be played with SMIRF.

Web links