Carn Ferched

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Carn Ferched is a circular cairn between the Foel Drygarn and Carn Menyn mountains in Crymych near Cardigan in Pembrokeshire in Wales .

The approximately 0.7 m high Platform Cairn has a diameter of 16.0 m and lies on the rounded summit of the ridge that forms the east side of Mynydd Preseli, in open moorland. It probably dates from the Bronze Age (800 to 300 BC). There is a large central depression, likely the result of an undisclosed examination. The excavation of the central hollow was deposited on the cairn. Several small chunks of quartzite are visible within the poorly defined curb ring.

Platform Cairns were built both individually and as part of larger burial grounds. Excavated examples have shown that the monuments are essentially ceremonial - with a connection to a funeral. Rituals in which charcoal was burned, perhaps symbolic of the pyre, appear to have been important.

The well-preserved and unusual monument is an important relic of a prehistoric burial and cult landscape and has significant archaeological potential, with a high probability that intact burial or ritual deposits as well as ecological and structural evidence are present.

Carn Ferched Standing Stones or Maenllwyd y Rhos two stenhende Menhire ( English Standing stones ), and an overturned near the Cairns.

Individual evidence

  1. At Platform Cairns the outer curb is formed by a carefully laid flat stone surface. However, it is very difficult to spot this type of cairn without excavating.

Web links

Coordinates: 51 ° 57 '52.1 "  N , 4 ° 41' 24.3"  W.