Cascara (rhythm)

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The cascara is a widespread rhythm that is often played in combination with the clave as an accompaniment. Solos are also often built on the rhythm of the Cascara.

On a 2/3 son clave (also salsa clave) the Cascara beats the beats:

1, 2, 3, 3+, 4+, 5, 6, 6+, 7+, 8+

To play the Cascara, there is a very simple saying that you simply recite:

You go, you go already? - I'm really going now!

The syllables are always played, so: You-Go - You-Go - Already - I-Go - Now - Really- . Two dashes (-) roughly represent a short caesura .

(The "go" is on the 1. After the beats of a 2/3 clave as above, you would have to say: go - now - really - you-go - you-go - already - me - )

Web links

Example using a 3/2 clave: