Center for Justice and International Law

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Center for Justice and International Law
purpose Human rights organization
Chair: Vivianna Krsticevic
Establishment date: 1991
Seat : Washington, DC

The Center for Justice and International Law ( CEJIL ; German Center for Justice and International Law , span. Centro por la Justicia y il Derecho Internacional , port. Centro pela Justiça eo Direito Internacional ) is a non-governmental organization that aims to strengthen the protection of human rights in the context of the Organization of American States (OAS).

The CEJIL was founded in 1991. Its headquarters are in Washington, DC ; it also has offices in Rio de Janeiro , Buenos Aires and San José . The CEJIL has consultant status with the Organization of American States, the United Nations (UN) and the African Commission on Human Rights. The working languages ​​of the organization are Spanish, Portuguese and English. The European Commission supports the CEJIL financially.


As part of its Legal Defense Program , the CEJIL represents cases of human rights violations before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights .

In the Training and Dissemination Program , local human rights groups and activists are trained in how to use the instruments of the OAS to protect human rights. Lawyers, scientists, judges and civil servants are informed about this system of human rights protection in seminars.

Finally, the CEJIL tries to improve the human rights protection system in the OAS through political campaigns and lobbying work with political decision-makers in the member states of the OAS.