Opportunity management

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Opportunity management is usually mentioned in the business literature directly in connection with risk management . While risk management encompasses all planning and organizational processes in which risks are identified at an early stage and countermeasures are developed and implemented, opportunities management is about the early recognition of opportunities .

Companies operate in an economically uncertain environment in which both risks and opportunities influence business activity and are the subject of management decisions . In business administration, many publications speak of a positive deviation from a planned goal if there is a chance

Legal basis

When managing external influences, companies clearly focus on risks. Companies are obliged to set up a monitoring system for them ( KonTraG 1998). Opportunities as an object of management decisions are not explicitly the subject of statutory regulations in the KontraG. The terms risk management or opportunity management are also not explicitly mentioned in the Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and in the Commercial Code (HGB) .

In the Accounting Law Reform Act ( BilRegG ) 2004, however, the legislature made an amendment to Section 289 (1) HGB (management report for the individual financial statements) and Section 315 (1) HGB (management report for the consolidated financial statements), according to which companies must assess and assess the likely development with its significant opportunities and risks to be explained and the underlying assumptions stated (see also risk report ). The associated German Accounting Standards ( DRS ) 5 and 15 for management reporting already contain specific requirements. The content of the risk and opportunity report should include risks and opportunities that may arise in the future, but are not sufficiently specific to be taken into account in planning figures such as provisions.

With the publication of DRS 20 in 2012, which includes standards 5 and 15, all groups that prepare their management report in accordance with Section 315 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) are obliged to set up a balanced, integrated or separate external opportunity report in addition to risk reporting (see DRS 20. K166 and DRS20.K117).

Opportunities are also defined in DRS 20 as possible future developments or events that can lead to a positive forecast or target deviation for the company "(DRS20.K11).

Structure and functions of opportunity management

Failure to recognize opportunities in a company (e.g. due to lower market entry costs, introduction of new technologies, the possibility of taking over a competitor) can lead to other companies taking advantage of these opportunities and filling them with all the consequences for their own company. An unrecognized opportunity or failure to take advantage of an opportunity can pose a risk to the company itself.

Occasionally, in the business literature, opportunity management is formulated into concrete approaches. Lück speaks of an opportunity management control loop with the following levels:

1. Formulation of the opportunity strategy
2. Determination of the opportunities management measures
3. Opportunity identification
4. Opportunity analysis
5. Opportunity assessment
6. Opportunity control / use of opportunities
7. Presentation of the company's use of opportunities
8. Comparison of the opportunity situation with the opportunity strategy

According to Reichmann, almost every business management control instrument provides a direct or at least indirect management of opportunities and risks. The risk management has a support function for the development of value creation opportunities.


  • Hans-Christian Pfohl: Risk and opportunity management in the supply chain: proactive - holistic - sustainable. Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co KG 2002, ISBN 978-3-503-06674-2 .
  • Gerhard Seidel: Opportunity management in a crisis. Engelsdorfer Verlag 2014, ISBN 3-957-44076-9 .
  • Evelin Mühlbacher, Rainer Stempkowski: Opportunity management - Optimization of costs and deadlines in construction projects. Network construction No. 13-010. Online version of the article

Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Joachim Hentze, Björn Thieß: Business ethics and sustainability management. UTB Bern, Stuttgart, Vienna 2012, ISBN 978-3825236861 , p. 136.
  2. Raphaela Saitz; Heiner Lasi, Hans-Georg Kemper: IT support in opportunity management - an empirical study. Wirtschaftsinformatik Proceedings 2015. Paper 52. http://aisel.aisnet.org/wi2015/52 , p. 769.
  3. ^ Risk Management Association eV: RMA Standard "Risk and Opportunity Management" Bonn, February 9, 2006, p. 6.
  4. ^ Werner Gleißner, Frank Romeike: Risk Management. Haufe Munich 2005, ISBN 978-3448062090 , p. 27.
  5. German accounting standard DRS 20 archive link ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.drsc.de
  6. ^ Wolfgang Lück: Opportunity management - new opportunities for companies. In: Operations consultant. 56 volume, issue 45 of November 8, 2001, pages 2312-2315.
  7. ^ Thomas Reichmann: The Balanced Chance and Risk Card. An extension of the balanced scorecard. In: Knut Werner Lange, Friederike Wall: Risk management according to the KonTraG. Gabler, Munich 2001, ISBN 978-3835004207 , pp. 297f.
  8. Eugen Leibundgut: How you can optimize your opportunity-risk profile and successfully manage the company's overall risk position. In: Roland Eller (Ed.): Handbook Operational Risks Schäffer-Pöschel, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 978-3791019864 .