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Chenghuang ( Chinese  城隍 , Pinyin chénghuáng , W.-G. ch'eng-huang , English city ​​god ) is the patron god of a city. According to Taoist belief, every city has a patron god who averts disaster from the city and protects its inhabitants. In almost every major Chinese city there is a temple for the city god, who is called Chenghuang miao in Chinese  ( Chinese 城隍廟  /  城隍庙 , Pinyin Chénghuáng miào , English town god's temple ).

According to the records, the first temple for a city god is said to have been built in the east Chinese town of Wuhu (Anhui) in 239 of the Wu Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms Period .

City God Temple (monuments)

The following city god temples are on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China :

  • Shaanxi Province: Sanyuan chenghuang miao 三原 城隍庙, Xi'an chenghuang miao 西安 城隍庙, Hancheng chenghuang miao 韩城 城隍庙, Chengcheng chenghuang miao shenlou 澄城 城隍庙 神 楼, Fufeng chenghuang miao 扶风 城隍庙
  • Shanxi Province: Yuci chenghuangmiao 榆次 城隍庙 (Jinzhong 晋中), Lu'an fu chenghuangmiao 潞安 府 城隍庙 (Changzhi 长治), Ruicheng Chenghuang miao 芮城 城隍庙, Pingyao chenghuang miao 平遥 城隍庙
  • Hebei Province: Chengde chenghuang miao 承德 城隍庙

Other well-known city god temples are: Chenghuang miao 城隍庙 (Jiangsu, Nantong), Chenghuang miao 城隍庙 (Shanghai), Chenghuang miao 城隍庙 (Hunan, Yiyang)

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