Choke (computer game)

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The choke value, from engl. swallowed , indicates the loss of the data packets between the client and the server during multiplayer computer games , for example due to a buffer that cannot be emptied in time. This is why it is often noticeable in poor feedback on user input in server-based games. As a packet loss, however, engl. Packet loss is the term used to describe the loss of data packets outside the client. The value is given in percent and shows how many data packets were lost between the server and the player. Theoretically, a choke value of 100 means a complete standstill on the client computer, but this does not necessarily happen in practice. Choke values ​​between 50 and 60 (or even higher) are also playable, as in modern multiplayer games the game engine uses prediction algorithms in addition to sending the data packets several times, which can compensate for the loss of data to a certain extent .