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Chrööpfelimee (also Chröpfelimeh ) is an old town train custom on the Sunday after Ash Wednesday .


When sleeping, mostly costumed groups of singers go through the city of Zug (mostly in the area of ​​the old town) and stop for a serenade wherever a red light indicates that a couple is waiting in the same house who has or has been married in the course of the last year whose wedding is imminent. In return, the singers receive wine and donuts ("Chröpfeli"), which are lowered into a basket.


The traditional custom is more than 150 years old (first mentioned in 1847). He recalls how in earlier times a young man willing to marry was bid farewell to his still unmarried friends. For decades, the event was coordinated by the traditional costume group of the city of Zug. The guild of tailors, cloth shears and tradespeople has performed this task since 2008. Many of the singing groups have been taking part in the tradition for decades.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Zug Online: News archive: Chröpfelimeh groups on the move. Retrieved December 18, 2017 .
  2. Chrööpfelimee - Living Traditions. Retrieved December 18, 2017 .