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The Chumash (also: Ḥumash ; Hebrew חומש) is an expression for the Torah in printed book form as opposed to the scroll . The word comes from the Hebrew word ḥamesh (חמש) for the number five (the five books of the Torah) and corresponds to the Greek Pentateuch .

Most of the translated local language or bilingual Chumash contains a rabbinic Torakommentar to the weekly Paraschot -Lesungen and is prophetic books ( Haftarot and Megillot added).

Classic editions in German contain commentaries by Raschi and Joseph Hertz .


  • Joseph Hertz: The Pentateuch and Haftarot in German in 5 volumes . Basel
  • Marc Breuer (among others): Chumasch Schma Kolenu With Haftarot and Megillot and an introductory commentary on each Parascha. Basel 2009