Church of All Worlds

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Dearinth - The official mark of the Church of All Worlds, Inc.

The Church of All Worlds (CAW) is a neo-pagan, American religious group dedicated to the awakening of Gaia . In the words of the organization's self-presentation: "The mission of the Church of All Worlds is to evolve a network of information, mythology and experience that provides a context and stimulus for reawakening Gaia and reuniting Her children through tribal community dedicated to responsible stewardship and the evolution of consciousness. "

CAW was founded in 1962 by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart (born: Timothy Zell), the Primate of the Church, Richard Lance Christie and a few friends; one of the inspirations of the group of friends was the novel Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein , whose protagonist founded a church of the same name; the novel was widely read in the United States at the time and is strongly associated with tendencies in the hippie movement. Soon the later Mrs. Oberon Zell-Ravenhearts also joined CAW, Diana Moore alias Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart, who is said to have introduced the word polyamory (the practice is described in Heinlein's novel, but not named with this word) and a priestess within the church became.

In the novel, the protagonist gathers "water brothers" around him; at the same time, the members of the CAW call themselves "Waterkin". In addition, like the church in the literary model, CAW is organized in "nests"; also the terms "Thou art God" and "Drink Deep" used in the novel are often used in CAW publications. Heinlein himself was never a member of the Church, but corresponded with Zell-Ravenheart and was a subscription to the official body of the Church, "Green Egg".

CAW was officially recognized as a 501 (c) organization in the USA in 1968 as the first " natural religion " (Earth Religion) and is still in existence today.

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