Cinema and Science

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Cinema and Science (CISCI) was an educational project by the Austrian physicist Heinz Oberhummer . It was funded by the European Commission and was named a star project by them. The project has now been discontinued and the associated website is offline.

CISCI describes and explains scientific content with the help of popular films , but also examines whether certain film scenes can be realized in the form shown from a scientific perspective. The analyzes and descriptions of film scenes are made available to students and teachers in a free web-based database . As a result, science lessons in secondary schools can be made more interesting and students can be motivated to participate.

The contents of CISCI are continuously supplemented by scientists and teachers under the direction of the TU Wien , as well as scientifically and didactically checked.


  • H. Oberhummer: Cinema and Science (CISCI) - A New Innovative On-Line Educational Environment . In Proceedings of the EDEN 2006 Annual Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2006, pp. 154-159


  1. ^ Xplora gateway: Nucleus cluster
  2. European Commission: Star Projects

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